Checking your business strategy regularly to make sure it still works for you, your business, and your customers is like routine visits to the dentist. You're not super excited about it, but you know it's necessary because if you wait until something goes wrong it's a lot to deal with and can get very expensive.
If I had to pick one of the two I would definitely pick the Business Strategy Check, because I have some really bad dentist stories to tell ~ but I still go to the dentist twice a year. Maybe you're more on team dentist, so we're a perfect match. I'll be your cheerleader to guide you through the Strategy Check, and everyone looks after their own dentist appointments.
Enough about dentistry though, time for some real talk: making sure that your business strategy is in line with your values sets a clear path for growth and provides a roadmap to serve your customers in the best possible way. It's a non-negotiable part of your business. Yes, that sounds boring and not very clever, but some things just are what they are no matter how witty you write about it. You need a strategy.
We'll explore all the nooks and crannies of your business strategy - even the proverbial junk drawer where all your previous strategies and goals have gone to die - and identify the necessary updates.
You'll leave with a solid foundation and strategy to carry you and your business through the next 1-3 years.
Want to skip the line and book your Strategy Check session with me? Get in touch and let's talk {and I'll send you the pdf}.
Right, we haven't even gotten to that yet! My bad. Read on for the details of our Strategy Check session.
What's the time commitment?
Your commitment for the strategy check session will be about 8 hours, but not all at once. You'll have a couple of hours of prep work before our first meeting, followed by 2 2-hour meetings, and some work between our meetings. Once you'll hold your new strategic plan in your hot little hands it's up to you how much time you'll invest to implement it.
Who is this session for?
It's for business owners with an established business, who have been in business for at least 3-5 years and feel like it's time for an update and adjustment to their long-term strategy. Is that you? Let's talk!
How much does it cost?
The Strategy Check is an investment of $1,900 (+5%tax). You'll get an invoice for $900 to get started, the balance is invoiced once the project is completed.
How can you book?
Get in touch with me to get started. I'll send you the workbook and questionnaire along with the first invoice and we'll set a date for the first 2-hour session.
Any other questions?
Fire away, I'm here for all questions, big or small.